Then they could just query to get a sense of where the lanes are, as long as Teslas have driven through Theoretically it should be possible to improve smart summon’s routing algorithms if Tesla had their own database of GPS points and driving data for Teslas in parking lots He was responding to the following tweet directed at him by podcast. They Are Billions custom map gameplay is a big thing now too since the release of the custom map editor in the new update.Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed on Twitter that the Smart Summon feature in the future will use the GPS points from the maps/navigation data generated by Tesla cars that have previously been at that location in order to further refine this feature. When covering these updates, I'll show off what the new updates add to the game as well as try to do something crazy against the final wave as well.

Since They Are Billions is still in Beta, the game will be getting plenty more updates including new towers, new zombies, new wonders, a campaign, and much much more! Of course, whenever They Are Billions gets a new update I will cover that as well. From making 2000 snipers, hundreds of Titans, Shock Towers Only, you name it I like to have fun and try some crazy stuff! I don't really go over beating the game, or necessarily make the 'Best Defense Possible' because I aim to make these videos as epic and entertaining as possible. In my videos, typically I only cover the final wave in which billions of zombies come to try and destroy your Command Center while trying out crazy strategies. Can humanity survive after the zombie apocalypse? Build and defend colonies to survive against the billions of the infected that seek to annihilate the few remaining living humans.

They Are Billions is a Steampunk strategy game set on a post-apocalyptic planet. Our job is to hold off the White Walkers and undead long enough for us to take down the Night King and save humanity, but we are hopelessly outnumbered. I've recreated the Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell in a They Are Billions custom map. I Recreated the Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell in They Are Billions